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beginner pole dance class in Wan Chai 灣仔初學鋼管舞

Pole Flow|鋼管串連

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200 Hong Kong dollars
Wan Chai

Class Details

Price listed above is for FIRST TRIAL only. You can check regular price on our website at “Class Plans & Payment”. 所列出之價格為「首次試堂」費用。有關恒常課堂收費(單堂/套票),請見網頁「Class Plans & Offers」。 Suitable for all levels (From newbie to steady learners) 適合任何程度(零經驗、新手至完成初班程度),想嘗試於鋼管上做出一連串優美動作的人士 You will learn about both theory and practice on fundamentals of on-the-pole techniques and effective muscle use. 課堂將以「半講解半體驗」形式去教授 基本上管技巧 及 正確肌肉運用。 Consist of / 課堂內容包括: - Warm-up with Breathing Exercise & Gentle Stretching - 簡單熱身:學習有效呼吸,有助主動伸展及正確發力,避免受傷 - Themed Tricks (Breakdown & Know-How) - 教授當日之主題技巧及拆解 - You will get to learn a 1-min pole flow consisting of pole tricks, floor-works and some dance moves - 每堂學習一段長度不多於1分鐘的鋼管串連,結合簡單管上動作及地面舞步 Outfit suggestions / 衣着建議: Wear tank top or short sleeved top with sports shorts. 背心或短袖上衣 及 露出大腿以下的短褲 Progression / Regression will be given to match your ability. 課堂內容會因應學生能力作出調整 Semi-private learning experience with max. 2 persons. 半私人小班體驗,每堂最多兩人

Upcoming Sessions

Booking Policy

You can cancel or reschedule a class booking on the system latest by 12 hours before the start time. No additional charges incurred. Late cancellation will be charged with full payment. All purchases are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-extendable.

Contact Details

  • 4G, 177-179 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong


服務網頁: Bookings Service Page
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